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• Connect your iPhone to your computer via the USB cable • In TouchCopy, click on the 'Messages' tab.. • Select the WhatsApp conversations you want to copy and click 'Copy Messages'.

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The utilities are quite limited in what they can set Transfer messages to a new iPhone Check out our other support article if you need to.. Simply select 'Print' to print out the selected conversation The printout of your messages created by TouchCopy will appear exactly as it does on your iPhone.. Your WhatsApp messages will be at the bottom of the list From there you can then select the message that you wish to copy or print by clicking on the name of the contact with whom the conversation is with (2).. Then, you can either select 'Copy Messages' to copy the selected WhatsApp message to your PC/Mac as a HTML file named after the contact with whom you've exchanged messages.

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You can then scroll down the messages to see your different messages, grouped by type.. WhatsApp will open automatically Mac — Double-click the DMG file, then drag the WhatsApp icon onto the Applications folder.. If you have not done so already, you can download TouchCopy from here Detailed Instructions on how to backup WhatsApp messages to your computer If you have WhatsApp messages on your iPhone that you need to copy to your PC/Mac, TouchCopy can copy them in the same way that you can copy SMS and iMessages.. Wd - my passport for mac 4tb external usb 3 0 portable hard drive - black and time machine.. Simply select the chat you wish to save and click on 'Save PDF' in TouchCopy Your WhatsApp chats can also be printed directly from TouchCopy. Best Of Tears For Fears Rar File

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TouchCopy will also create a folder named after the selected contact, containing photos and videos sent and received as part of your WhatsApp chats.

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Firstly, you will need to open TouchCopy and connect your iPhone Once TouchCopy has read your device, navigate to the 'Messages' tab (1) on the left hand side of TouchCopy.. Install WhatsApp This process will vary slightly depending on your computer's operating system: Windows — Double-click the WhatsAppSetup file, then allow the setup to run.. Alternatively, you can choose to save your WhatsApp chats and other messages on your iPhone as PDF files.. Your WhatsApp messages can be saved as PDF, HTML and Text files and and will contain any images, videos or emojis included in the message, as well as dates and times the messages were received.. Average: 3 94 ( 65 Votes) Last Updated:| Summary This article details how to save WhatsApp chat on PC from your iPhone using TouchCopy. 518b7cbc7d